
11. 10. 2019 – Deň otvorených dverí v laboratóriu virtuálnej a zmiešanej reality – LIRKIS

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V rámci výstavy Extrapolácie 2019 sme pre vás na 11. 10. 2019  pripravili v našom laboratóriu deň otvorených dverí. Počas neho si budete môcť vyskúšať virtuálnu realitu v unikátnom zariadení LIRKIS CAVE a zmiešanú realitu s holografickým počítačom Microsoft HoloLens. 11. 10. 2019 k nám môžete prísť o 9:00 alebo 10:00.  Kapacita laboratória je asi 15 ľudí, preto, […]


Interactive learning application for handicapped children with using of virtual-reality technologies

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The paper describes an application primarily developed for the teaching of handicapped children based on the symbolic-text method. Additionally, the application is enriched with the ability to display 3D models using mixed reality technologies. The application has modes to work both Children and Teacher. Children can use Free Learning Mode and Test Mode. In addition, […]


The application of symbolic-text interface for handicapped persons education

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This paper discusses and describes various health problems of handicapped children. Very important is description of the forms of teaching and learning of such persons through which can be designed the user interface. The work functionality is mainly focused on teaching of disabled persons through special symbols which represent individual words. The practicability is therefore […]


Users with reduced security awareness and the interfaces of computer systems

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This paper describes a security area of the user interface for persons with reduced security awareness. The introduction is a description of some related projects, particularly with a focus on interface systems for the disabled users. Then there is a description of the possibilities of customizing the user interface and its ergonomics. There are also […]


Virtual cave system with training activities for handicaped people

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The article focuses on the virtual cave system in LIRKIS laboratory, at the Technical University in Košice. LIRKIS Virtual Cave uses a cluster computing for 3D scene rendering and provides interactions between the user and the system. The use of virtual scenes is extensible of rehabilitation activities for handicapped people. The description of the LIRKIS […]


Peripheral Devices Support for LIRKIS CAVE

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LIRKIS CAVE, designed and built at the home institution of the authors, is an immersive virtual reality environment of unique, cylinder based construction with stereoscopic video output provided by twenty 55” 3D LCD displays. While the visualization engine of the CAVE is optimized for the unusual display arrangement, motion tracking and 3D mouse input, it […]


On architecture and performance of LIRKIS CAVE system

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The paper presents LIRKIS CAVE, a Cave Automatic Virtual Environment, developed and built at the home institution of authors. The most significant features of LIRKIS CAVE are a compact and transportable design and use of LCD displays, organized in a decagon. The CAVE is described in terms of hardware and software and its performance is […]